Florida Keys Lobster Season
Welcome To Florida Keys, Monroe County Florida, Mini-Lobster SeasonFlorida Keys lobster season is at hand and everyone is excited. If you’re a lobster fan, you’ll love the possibility of some of the most succulent meals coming up. What makes this so beneficial a time is that Monroe County works to build some of the best lobster experiences for everyone who want to take it on as a sport.

Starting the last Wednesday and Thursday of July at 12:01 am, mini lobster season is on! There are rules and regulations in Monroe County however to be aware of. Here are the most important:
• In Monroe County the mini season is a 2-day event. This is a great time to get excited about the coming official lobster season starting August 6th. You can get all of your equipment and plans together during the mini-season so you’ll easily flow right into the main season with catching. You also can do your trial-and-error during the mini season in terms of how to catch the best lobster, how to cook them and what to pair with them during the meals you have.
• There is a bag limit of 6-per-person per day. Limits are not always welcomed however you will find that 6-limit is more than generous. One of the best things to do is have fresh lobster and this is adequate for just about every family or small group out on the water.
• Possession limit is equivalent to the bag limit. Be sure that you don’t go overboard with this. Remember that six is a great limit that will serve just about everyone perfectly, with a little left over.
• Limits are enforced when you are in the water and out of the water. Don’t get caught out of the water with more than is allowed. Be sure that you are aware that rules last from the minute you arrive to the moment you leave.
• Spiny lobster sizes have to be at least 3-inches carapace, measured in water. You don’t want anything smaller than 3-inches anyway. If you do find some, be sure to throw them back so that they can continue to grow. Later in the season they’ll be ready! If you aren’t sure how the measure the carapace, do some research so you’ll know what to look for.
• Lobster limits don’t include people who are not actively harvesting. Just because you bring the kids along doesn’t mean you have 6+ extra limits for lobsters. It only counts for those who are properly licensed and actively harvesting. They are serious about bag limits so make sure you are too!
You will find that lobster harvesting is one of the most fun activities you are going to find. It’s great to spend the afternoon on the water, rustling up dinner. And when that dinner is a delicious lobster meal, you can’t go wrong!